Monthly Archives: December 2024

Year End Thoughts from Your EdenFlo Team

As we all take a pause at this time of year, we would like to wish all of our customers, friends and suppliers a safe and peaceful festive season and a very prosperous and joy filled new year.
We encourage everyone to enjoy your time away and remember what is truly important in our lives. Family, Faith and Friends. Take time to reach out to others and to be in the moment. Share an act of kindness.  Be real. Everyone needs to connect more.
Thank you for choosing to connect with us and being a part of our EdenFlo Pump Truck Service family.
Best of the season to everyone.

Catch Basins Need Cleaning and Simple Preventive Maintenance to Function Well

If you are a property manager, and want to minimize surprises regarding your drainage infrastructure, these 4 steps will help to set you up for success.

    1. Be on the lookout for potential problems with the catch basins or drains on properties under your management. Trouble may come in the form of water pooling around the basin, slow draining, or debris covering the grate. 
    2. A preventive strategy to keep storm drains (catch basins) from clogging is the most effective method to protect your real estate. If you see debris on top of the grate, safely remove it.  A reminder to never attempt to remove the storm grate yourself, only the debris on top. Call the pros at EdenFlo if further action is required.
    3. If you see a catch basin that is not draining correctly on a well-used parking lot, or a blind corner in your underground parkade, do not attempt to clear it yourself. Instead, contact the experts at EdenFlo to manage the situation with safety first in mind.
    4. Have EdenFlo assess your catch basin cleaning needs to help you to be the most efficient with your maintenance spend.  Chances are, routine scheduled cleaning will eliminate all but the most unpredictable emergencies.
Give the catch basin cleaning experts at Edenflo a call. Edenflo Pump Truck Service offers hydro excavation, storm drain cleaning or any other vacuum pump truck service, Edenflo has the equipment and the expertise to get the job done right and on time. We service the lower mainland including Vancouver, Abbotsford, Aldergrove, Surrey, Langley, Burnaby, New Westminster, Coquitlam, Maple Ridge, Port Coquitlam, Delta, White Rock, Anmore and even Lions Bay! Call us at 604 575 1414 or fill out our online request  and we’ll be happy to assist you.