Author Archives: Edenflo

Four Steps to Manage the Cleaning and Maintenance of Catch Basins

If you are a new property manager, or just want to push the easy button when it comes to the cleaning and maintenance of your catch basin inventory, here is a four-step guide to set you up for success.

    1. Be on the lookout for potential problems with the catch basins or drains on properties under your management. Trouble may come in the form of water pooling around the basin, slow draining, or debris covering the grate. Catch basins that appear sunken into the asphalt or concrete are damaged and will need remediation. Cracks in the pavement around the drain is another problem area to look out for.
    2. A Preventive strategy to keep storm drains (catch basins) from clogging is the most effective method to protect your real estate. If you see debris on top of the grate, safely remove it.  A reminder to never attempt to remove the storm grate yourself, only the debris on top. Call the EdenFlo professionals if further action is required.
    3. If you see a catch basin that is not draining correctly on a well-used parking lot, or a blind corner in your underground parkade, do not attempt to clear it yourself. Instead, contact the experts at EdenFlo to manage the situation with safety first in mind.
    4. Have EdenFlo assess your catch basin cleaning needs to help you to be the most efficient with your maintenance spend.  Chances are, routine scheduled maintenance will eliminate all but the most unpredictable emergencies.

Don’t wait for a problem. When you need catch basin service or inspection in  Vancouver, Burnaby, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Maple Ridge, Abbotsford, Aldergrove, Delta, Surrey, Langley, White Rock, Richmond or Lions Bay, call the experts at 604 575 1414 or fill out our online request for your catch basin service


Fall Debris Could Spell Trouble For Catch Basins

Most of the seasonal debris including the fall leaves are on the ground and making their way towards your catch basin.  If you have had your fall catch basin cleaning done by the EdenFlo team, the debris should be passed easily through your drainage system.  If you haven’t cleaned your catch basin yet, you may be in for an unpleasant surprise when the back up begins…

At a minimum, your catch basin should be serviced at least once a year.  Whether your drain is in the middle of a surface parking lot, or in the basement of an underground parkade, a clogged catch basin can be a huge inconvenience.  Our fleet of specialized vacuum pump trucks will take care of your catch basin cleaning quickly and efficiently.
We have the biggest fleet of “LowBoy” trucks in the lower mainland to get at the toughest catch basin locations.
Don’t wait for a problem. When you need catch basin service or inspection in  Vancouver, Burnaby, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Maple Ridge, Abbotsford, Aldergrove, Delta, Surrey, Langley, White Rock, Richmond or Lions Bay, call the experts at 604 575 1414 or fill out our online request for your catch basin service.

Warmer Than Usual Fall For Lower Mainland Means Catch Basin Cleaning Time is Now.

 A warmer than usual fall may give a false sense of security as to the need to clean your catch basins.

Dry conditions mean debris has less moisture content. Dry debris that has accumulated in your catch basins may still allow for a reasonable flow of waste water through the system, but one big rain could change the picture.

Once that fall debris of leaves and twigs gains moisture, it will expand and spell trouble for your catch basins. If you haven’t scheduled your seasonal catch basin cleaning, now is the time to book!  Don’t wait until soggy leaves are clogging your drains and you wind up in a bad situation.

Your parking lot, underground parkade and basement are suspect to drainage issues if debris is allowed to accumulate in the system. The EdenFlo team can easily and efficiently clean your catch basins using one of our many pieces of specialized vacuum equipment that allows us to get at even the most challenging drains.

Whether you’re located in Vancouver, Burnaby, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Maple Ridge, Abbotsford, Aldergrove, Delta, Surrey, Langley, White Rock, Richmond or Lions Bay, call the experts at 604 575 1414 or fill out our online request for your catch basin service.

Vacuum Truck Service Starts With Edenflo on the Lower Mainland

Edenflo is the lower mainland’s first choice for residential and commercial vacuum truck services. Customers choose us because we have a wide range of services available, a large selection of available equipment, and experience serving the needs of both residential and corporate clientele.

We serve Food Service and Production clients, including Grease Trap and Grease Interceptor cleaning and maintenance, as well as food and organic waste disposal. We offer commercial sanitary services, including holding tank and treatment plant service. Many of our clients utilize Edenflo’ commercial vacuum truck service for the cleaning and maintenance of sewer lines and pumping stations.

For property managers, we offer storm drain and catch basin cleaning services, including “lowboy” truck service that’s able to get into underground parking lots and other hard-to-service areas. When a problem occurs, we can diagnose blockages and other problems using Video Line Inspection technology, in which a camera is placed at the site of the problem, allowing us to see exactly what’s going on.

Edenflo’s hydro excavation services appeals to clients in diverse industries. Hydro excavation is the removal of dirt and other material by “digging” with a high-pressure water jet, and removal of the dislodged material with our vacuum truck. Rather than use a backhoe that may damage pipes  and utility lines, hydro excavation is able to  unearth utility line and underground pipes without damage.

Edenflo serves all of the lower mainland with the best vacuum truck service. Whether you’re located in Vancouver, Burnaby, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Maple Ridge, Abbotsford, Aldergrove, Delta, Surrey, Langley, White Rock, Richmond or Lions Bay, call the experts at 604 575 1414 or fill out our online request for service.

Tips to Keep Your Catch Basins Working Properly

We realize that your catch basins are not your top priority.  However, when they get clogged, it quickly rises to the top of the attention list. Whether your catch basins are part of your home or commercial storm drainage system, a few simple maintenance tips can go a long way in ensuring that your catch basins do the job they were designed to do.

  • Keep grates clear – It becomes difficult for catch basins to collect debris and allow water to drain if the grates are obstructed. As time goes by, without regular cleaning, the grates can become clogged with large pieces of litter and leaves or other debris. Keep an eye on storm drains and remove debris from the grates every few weeks, especially during spring and fall when leaves and twigs are more common.
  • Remove storage debris– Catch basins that are working effectively will collect debris in the bottom, keeping it from flowing through the pipes.  Keep the storage area less than half full of debris so that the pipes do not become blocked and the catch basins continues to function. Use a pipe or broom stick down the grate and take note of where it hits debris and how much further it is to the bottom.


These simple tips can help you to maintain your catch basins between regular cleaning service from Edenflo.

Edenflo serves all of the lower mainland with the best catch basin cleaning and inspection service including Vancouver, Burnaby, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Maple Ridge, Abbotsford, Aldergrove, Delta, Surrey, Langley, White Rock, Richmond and as far away as Lions Bay.

We can be reached at 604-575-1414 or fill out our online request for service.

Summer Holidays a Good Time for Catch Basin Cleaning of Parkades and Parking Lots

Summer holidays are here and that means that many people in the lower mainland are planning to be away from the office for at least a week or two.

As many of your parking patrons are taking a well deserved break, it will be a great time to book your catch basin cleaning for your parking lot or parkade.  The staff at Edenflo are experts in getting into tight places to access your drainage systems.  Edenflo has a fleet of “Low Boy” vacuum trucks that can work in low clearance areas such as underground parkades, covered parking areas and tight spots. Booking your drain cleaning in the summer allows for your service to be done even faster with less cars to maneuver around and more stalls will be available for those parking customers that may be inconvenienced as we are performing our drain cleaning service.

Low ceiling drain cleaning

Get a jump on your parkade drainage maintenance needs; clean your drains in the summer and avoid the fall rush to get it done before the rains are upon us!

Edenflo serves all of the lower mainland with the best catch basin cleaning service including Vancouver, Burnaby, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Maple Ridge, Abbotsford, Aldergrove, Delta, Surrey, Langley, White Rock, Richmond and as far away as Lions Bay.

We can be reached at 604-575-1414 or fill out our online request for service.

Happy holidays!

Septic Tank Cleaning – The Dangers of Neglecting This Important Task

Given what septic tanks do, many people might not realize how important it is to keep them clean. Of course, plenty of people probably just don’t want to deal with them for the exact same reason. However, it absolutely must be done. Continue reading about the risks of not cleaning your septic tank.

Problems Associated with Not Cleaning Your Septic Tank
There are a number of problems that could occur as a result of not properly cleaning your septic tank on a regular basis. Foul odours are a common and understandable one. However, you could also have sewage back up, through the ground and into your lawn or garden. The sewage could also build-up and cause blockages in the system itself. The septic tank could even back right up into your home’s plumbing system.

An insect infestation can result if septic tanks are not maintained properly. White scum can also form around nearby drains or ditches. The toxic waste from your septic tank could also seep out into nearby wells or watercourses, which would be an obvious risk to public health.

For the truly unlucky, runoff from an unmaintained septic tank could end up actually compromising the foundation of their home.

Properly Caring for Your Septic Tank
Given the many potential problems that could occur from not caring for your septic tank, it’s important that you take appropriate measures.

The most important thing you can do is to have your septic tank pumped on a regular basis. Timing will differ depending on the size of your home and the number of occupants.

It’s very important that you always hire a professional, like those from Edenflo, to handle the maintenance of a septic tank on your behalf. Septic tank systems may not seem like the most advanced of technologies, but in the hands of an amateur, they can cause all kinds of problems.

Edenflo serves all of the lower mainland with the best septic tank service including Abbotsford, Aldergrove, Delta, Surrey, Langley, White Rock, Richmond and as far away as Lions Bay.

We can be reached at 604-575-1414 or fill out our online request for service.

Maintaining Your Septic Tank Key to Flawless Performance

If your home has a septic tank, rest assured that you are using a time proven, environmentally responsible method for getting rid of waste products. Septic tanks are generally very reliable, self-sufficient methods of waste disposal. They don’t require much maintenance, but what little service they do need is imperative in avoiding big problems in the form of sewage backups and potential overflows into your home.

Septic tanks are the great separation engine in your waste disposal system. When waste enters the tank, solids float to the top, where they form a layer of decomposing material called “scum”. Most of the scum turns into liquid containing mostly water and some nutrients that makes its way out of the tank and into the ground via your leaching field.

Any solids that don’t decompose sink to the bottom of the tank and become “sludge”. Because the biological action that takes place in the tank is quite efficient, sludge builds up slowly. When the level does, inevitably, become too high, it can interfere with the layer of water moving out into the leach field, and the scum at the top of the tank will build up too quickly and can actually back up into the “in” and “out” pipes of the tank. This can cause a backup into your home.

The answer? Preventive maintenance. You need to periodically pump out the tank to remove the sludge buildup at the bottom. How often you need to do this depends on a number of factors, including size of the tank, number of people in your home, and the size and makeup of your leach field.

To find out about how often you need to service your septic tank, contact the professionals at Edenflo.  Edenflo serves all of the lower mainland with the best septic tank service including Abbotsford, Aldergrove, Delta, Surrey, Langley, White Rock, Richmond and as far away as Lions Bay.

We can be reached at 604-575-1414 or fill out our online request for service.

Homeowners – Don’t Neglect Your Septic System!

Most of the time, your septic system quietly burbles away in the backyard, very efficiently turning waste products into nutrients that the earth uses to nourish plant life.  When it’s working correctly, a septic system is a pleasure to own.  When it malfunctions, it’s a complete headache.  It can make unpleasant odours, unexpected flooding, and render your home’s sinks and toilets inoperable.  And it will always act up at the least convenient time – in the middle of the night, or a few minutes before the first guests arrive for your big party.

Instead of waiting for a problem to – ahem – arise, practice regular preventive maintenance on your septic system – the grease trap (if you have one), the tank itself, and the weeping tiles in the septic field.

Edenflo family owned business

In BC’s lower mainland, Edenflo Pump Truck Services is your go-to provider of septic and holding tank service.  We’re a family owned business, and we understand the concerns faced by homeowners with septic tanks.  We’ve devised a strategy of periodic preventive maintenance that will keep your septic system working as designed without any hiccups.  We’ll come and inspect at predetermined intervals, and perform only the work that’s required.  If the sludge build up in your septic tank warrants pumping (which all do, in intervals of one to five years or so) we’ll clean it out. We can use video line inspection to ensure that your main sewer line is clear of obstructions, and we can use hydro flushing to clean any blockages, and even clean your septic field.  But we’ll only do what needs to be done to keep your system operating, trouble free.

Edenflo serves all of the lower mainland with the best septic tank service including Abbotsford, Aldergrove, Delta, Surrey, Langley, White Rock, Richmond and as far away as Lions Bay.

For more information about regular maintenance services offered by Edenflo, and to find out why you need to sign up for the peace of mind this service will give you, call 604-575-1414 or fill out our online request for service.

EdenFlo Best Rated for Septic Service in 2019!

Once again, EdenFlo tops the chart for lower mainland Septic Service in 2019!

If you are wondering about whether there is a difference in the quality for such a basic need as cleaning and servicing your septic tank.  You should think again.

EdenFlo has built their septic service based on two proven ingredients.   Courteous, well trained staff, with quality modern reliable equipment.  For over a decade, the new owners of EdenFlo Vacuum Truck service have followed this recipe.    Customers in Aldergrove, Delta, Surrey, Langley, White Rock, Richmond and as far away as Lions Bay and Abbotsford have benefited from our service.

Although septic service is not something that you normally comment on, a survey by found EdenFlo customers were extremely happy with EdenFlo’s service.    ThreeBestRated is a North American rating agency that provides genuine “non paid” ratings for different products and services in major urban centres.

EdenFlo is proud to be named as a top three provider for 2019 and plans to continue to offer a great service to it’s customers.