Category Archives: Edenflo Pump Truck Services

When to Clean Your Catch Basin

A catch basin is something that’s very easy for a busy person to ignore. Catch basins are also known as “storm drains” and are responsible for diverting excess water run-off into proper drainage channels. When they work properly, they help prevent flooding and over-saturation of critical drain fields and homes.

How often you clean your residential catch basin depends on the purpose that it serves. In BC, many places have catch basins that are connected to sump pumps due to the area’s moist climate and high rates of precipitation. For your house, the catch basin should be cleaned every five years if you are not using your sump pump often. If your sump runs frequently, the basin should be cleaned annually and the sump pump should be inspected. You can schedule this service from EdenFlo along with septic tank cleaning and maintenance.

Catch basins shouldn’t be used as dumps for yard clippings or other natural waste. They can not only back up if clogged, but over time, the walls of the basins get caked with debris and their ability to drain run-off is reduced. If the basin is connected to a sump pump, the waste can clog and break the pump itself, which can leave your home flooded during wet weather.

Many commercial catch basins are located in basements, parkades, and parking lots. We recommend that catch basins for commercial properties be inspected and cleaned on an annual basis, preferably before the fall and winter rainy season.

Clogged catch basins may require additional remediation. Edenflo can provide this service. The standard remedy for cleaning a clogged catch basin is called hydro excavation. Pressurized water is literally used to excavate the debris out of the basin. The debris is captured with a vacuum on a pump truck.

Preventative maintenance of catch basins is as simple as controlling what debris goes into them and having the basins cleaned on an annual basis. Doing these two things will enable you to avoid  a clogged or plugged drain.

Whether you have a need catch basin service  in  Vancouver, Aldergrove, Surrey, Langley, Burnaby, New Westminster, Delta or White Rock, contact  Edenflo Pump Truck Services at 604-575-1414 and schedule your annual catch-basin inspection and cleaning today.

Lower Mainland’s First Choice for Pump Truck Services

Edenflo is the lower mainland’s first choice for residential and commercial pump truck services. Businesses choose us because we have an extremely wide range of services available, a large selection of available equipment, and experience serving the needs of our large and diverse corporate clientele.

We offer the best service to Food Service and Production clients, including Grease Trap and Grease Interceptor cleaning and maintenance, as well as food and organic waste disposal. We offer commercial sanitary services, including holding tank and treatment plant service and maintenance, cleaning and maintenance to sewer lines and pumping stations, and commercial vacuum services.

For those businesses with buildings to maintain, we offer storm drain and catch basin cleaning services, including “lowboy” truck service that’s able to get into underground parking lots and other hard-to-service areas. When a problem occurs, we can positively diagnose blockages and other problems using Video Line Inspection technology, in which a camera is placed at the site of the problem, allowing us to see exactly what’s going on.

We also offer hydro excavation services, which appeal to a large number of clients in diverse industries. Hydro excavation is removal of dirt and other material by “digging” with a high-pressure water jet, and removal of the dislodged material with our vacuum truck. This allows us to unearth utility lines, underground pipes, and other services without disturbing them.

Whether you have a need for vacuum pump service  in  Vancouver, Aldergrove, Surrey, Langley, Buranby, New Westminster, Delta or White rock, forego the backhoe and go with Hydro Excavation.  Contact Edenflo Pump Truck Services at 604-575-1414 and find out what the best vacuum pump option is to get it done, quickly and efficiently.

Hydro Excavation; Better, Faster, Cheaper Compared to Traditional Digging.

Hydro Excavation is a fast and safe method of exposing underground utilities. One of the greatest benefits of using hydro-excavation over other typical forms of excavation is its ability to safely and quickly “dig” in areas where other utilities might be present, without risk of interruption and/or damage to these systems, or injury to workers and others.

Here’s how it works:
Hydro excavation is also called “potholing” or “daylighting”. The procedure involves blasting the soil to be removed with a high-pressure water jet, breaking it up and mixing it with the liquid. The resulting slurry is removed quickly by vacuum, and contained in the truck for appropriate disposal.


It’s a pretty simple procedure, and for an experienced technician quite quick and easy to execute. Utility companies pioneered the hydro excavation technique because it allowed them to easily locate existing services without damaging them, and install new services quickly and safely. Unlike conventional digging, there’s no danger of destroying an existing service line when digging and destroying it. Landscapers and other contractors adopted the technology because it’s very targeted – it allows you to pinpoint the location of your excavation with minimal damage to adjacent property. Hydro excavation is ideal for stump removal, drilling of postholes, and installation of landscaping features like ponds and man-made streams.

Because hydro excavation is relatively “hands off”, it is safer for the workers involved in your project, and it can be used year-round, using hot water when the earth is frozen in winter.

Whether you have an excavation project in  Vancouver, Aldergrove, Surrey, Langley, Buranby, New Westminster, Delta or White rock, forego the backhoe and go with Hydro Excavation.  Contact Edenflo Pump Truck Services at 604-575-1414 and find out how hydro excavation is the best option to get it done, quickly and efficiently.

Planting Trees? Keep Them Away From Your Septic Tank and Field.

EdenFlo Pump Truck Services are the experts when it comes to servicing your Septic Field and Septic Tank. Sometimes when our technicians are servicing your system, they have difficulty completing their service as roots have gotten into your drain field. Nearby plants and trees have made their way into the pipes, distribution boxes, and other components of the drain field. This issue with trees and plants can cause big problems with your septic system.


When your planting, think about where your system is and stay as far away as possible to ensure that this costly repair or replacement doesn’t happen to you.

EdenFlo is the trusted provider of septic field and septic tank pumping in the lower mainland.  When you pump your tank or septic field with EdenFlo, you know you are getting the best service.  Whether your septic service needs are in Vancouver, Aldergrove, Surrey, Langley, Burnaby, New Westminster, Delta or White Rock, EdenFlo can provide pumping service for you.  We will also over a complimentary inspection of your system while we are there.  Give us a call at 604 575 1414 or email us at to book your next septic service.

Why Would you Use a Hydrovac Service?

Hydro Excavation is the only non-destructive method of digging, utilizes pressurized water and a vacuum system to quickly and safely expose underground infrastructure.

EdenFlo Pump Truck services offers the best hydrovac service in the lower mainland.

The hydrovac process involves injecting pressurized water into the ground through a handheld wand. As the soil cover is liquefied, the resulting slurry is simultaneously extracted by a powerful vacuum and stored in a tank onboard the hydrovac.


Hydrovac Service from EdenFlo

Hydrovac services

If you are trenching, or need to expose underground infrastructure or utilities, the EdenFlo hydrovac truck service offers the best value for contractors and municipalities.    Our service areas include Delta, Surrey, Langley, White Rock, Richmond and as far away as Lions Bay and Abbotsford.

Plumbing Contractors – Let Edenflo be your Pump Truck Partner!

If you’re a plumbing contractor on the Lower Mainland, when you need the services of a pump truck, remember Edenflo. We’ve got a large, versatile fleet of trucks that can attend to any of your needs, from a small residential blockage to an industrial sized sewer line hundreds of feet long. Our response times are short, and our technicians are skilled and knowledgeable, making Edenflo your ideal partner for jobs requiring a pump truck.

plumber-holding-plumbing-wrench-retro_7yBbTHBecause our fleet is large, you can be assured that our equipment and technicians will be at your disposal when you need them.

A combo truck is your go-to for most situations. Equipped with high-pressure water jets and a vacuum, it’s ideal for clearing residential sewer and septic lines, as well as clearing out sump pits and catch basins.

A jet truck has a high pressure pump capable of producing 40 gallons per minute at 3000 PSI. This truck is capable of clearing sewer lines that are 18 inches in diameter and 600 feet long, ideal for industrial applications.

A vacuum tank truck is used for collecting non-hazardous waste in volume.

For hard to reach areas, we offer a lowboy truck, which is essentially a combo truck that isn’t as large, so that it can access areas where clearance is limited, like underground parking lots and garages.

In addition to pump truck services, Edenflo also offers you the use of our Video Line Inspection capabilities. If you need to know exactly what problem your customer is facing, you can use our CCTV cameras to pinpoint it, making it easier to solve.

For more information about the services offered by Edenflo, and how they can enhance your plumbing business, call us at 604-575-1414.

Get to Know Edenflo – We Can Be Your Go-To Pump Truck Company

There are pipes underground, and some of them carry unmentionable things. Whether or not you like to think about them, they exist, and if you are in care and control of just about any kind of building, the day is going to come when there’s a problem “down there” that will need to be fixed.

Edenflo commercial pump truck employeesAs the Lower Mainland’s premiere provider of pump trucks and related services, Edenflo is the company that’s poised to be your “pump truck provider of choice”. Whether you’ve got storm drainage woes (lines or catch basins), a sewer problem, a septic tank that needs to be emptied, or any other backup, we’ve got the latest technology at our disposable, and a large fleet of trucks at the ready to provide same-day or even immediate service when a problem arises (usually out of a drain).

For commercial customers, we have wide experience in the food service and industrial sanitation sector. Our response time, knowledgeable and courteous technicians, and access to state of the art techniques and equipment mean that, if you’re in business, you want us as one of your partners.

No matter what your needs, we can offer you the value of experience, and access to the best practices in the business. We can pinpoint your problem using CCTV cameras with Video Line Inspection, and we can often cure the problem with minimal hassle using hydro flushing. Even if we have to dig, we can do the neatest possible job with hydro excavation.

Get to know Edenflo – when something goes wrong “down there”, we’re going to be your best friend!

For more information about the services offered by Edenflo, call us at 604-575-1414 or fill out our online request for service.

Are You a B.C. Property Manager? Here’s What You Need to Know About Depreciation Reporting

HYDRO-EXCAV-BC-forestMore than half a million people in British Columbia live in Strata homes– a type of condominium development in which individuals own their homes, but there are shared facilities owned by a corporation.

If you’re a property manager or strata council member (or even a homeowner) of a strata property, it’s important that you understand the Strata Property Act, particularly the sections regarding repair and maintenance, and depreciation reporting.

Strata corporations must repair and renew all common property and assets of the corporation, ensure that maintenance, repair, and renovation work is planned appropriately, and that strata corporations with five or more units have a current depreciation report. Depreciation reports are a complex document that must be prepared by an individual or company having knowledge of all of the strata corporation’s common (shared) property. They include an inventory of the physical components of the shared property, and an estimate of each components service life over 30 years.

The depreciation report must be completed every three years, and must be provided to a potential buyer when a unit is sold.

It’s nearly impossible to find a single individual or business who can give you information on all of the systems in a multi-residential unit that constitute common property. For expert inspection of your strata corporation’s sewer, septic, or grease trap systems, contact Edenflo Pump Truck services. Our technicians are certified by the Pipeline Assessment and Certification Program (the PACP is the industry standard system for assessment of pipes and sewers) and can use state-of-the-art Video Line Inspection cameras to inspect your plumbing from the inside.

For more information about the services offered by Edenflo, and how they can help you keep the property you manage compliant with Strata reporting requirements, call 604-575-1414 or fill out our online request for service.

When to Have Your Septic Tank Cleaned

Septic tank maintenance doesn’t have to be a headache. The vast majority of septic tank maintenance is preventative maintenance. As long as you keep up with the preventative maintenance and schedule a septic tank cleaning in the proper time frame, your septic system should continue to function well.

In BC, septic tank cleanings can be done by a qualified pump truck service such as Edenflo. A full-service pump truck service company will also offer hydro flushing and hydro excavating services as well as catch basin cleaning and repair. Older systems may need flushing and repairs, but typically, the system only needs to be pumped at regular intervals.

A septic system is quite simple. The tank catches sludge waste from your home. Sewage solids will break down in the septic tank to some extent and the liquid sewage makes its way to your leach field. Thicker solids settle on the bottom of the tank.

Getting the septic system pumped every one to five years is normal. The frequency of septic tank cleaning depends on how heavy the use is. If there are more people in the home and you wash more clothes, more frequent septic tank cleaning will be necessary to remove accumulated solids.

If you have a catch basin, hydro excavation is a process where water is used to loosen the debris that is clogging it. The water is injected to catch the debris and the combined slurry is removed with a special vacuum. Many times, dysfunctional drainage systems can be restored through hydro excavation.

Hydro flushing is a similar service for smaller issues, such as slow drains in a house or commercial business. The pump truck service will flush the drain system with specialized hoses that allow maintained forward pressure and continuous flush until the debris is removed and drains flow freely.

What Can Get Caught in Storm Drains and Catch Basins

Storm drains and catch basins are essential components of drainage systems that prevent water runoff from causing millions of dollars in damage to homes in BC each year. Clogged catch basins can cause disastrous flooding of surrounding homes. Regular cleaning of catch basins is essential for proper rainwater runoff.

Every year, needless flooding occurs because catch basins are not cleaned or because they were misused. Storm drains are often misused by people who have no idea that dumping fallen leaves or grass clippings into these drains will do any harm. Dry waste like leaves and grass sits in the drains and gradually gets compacted by gravity and gets sticky as moisture is absorbed.

Catch Basin DiagramThe moist waste will stick to the walls of the drain in the same way that grease will stick to the walls of your arteries. Dirt also helps the other debris stick as it is a magnet for moisture. The dirt mixes with grass clippings and, literally, it makes clay in the same way that ancient engineers used it to make bricks. Without applying huge amounts of water, it is impossible to break this dirt and grass apart.

As the waste accumulates on the walls and floor of the catch basin, the capacity for the basin to take away drain water is reduced and restricted. Routine rainfall can no longer be drained away quickly enough and water backs up from the drain. Flooding then results and will continue to happen until the drain is professionally cleaned.

Storm drains can also get clogged with garbage. While it may be tempting to sweep that paper and cardboard waste left down the storm drain, the consequences will be disastrous later. It is also not advisable to sweep dirt and dust into storm drains either, as the dirt will bond with water that comes through and start the process of accumulation and constriction of flow.